Illusion is forbidden in foreign policy

September 25, 2024 - 19:44

TEHRAN - In an interview with Fouad Izadi, an expert on international affairs, Sobh-e-No wrote about the possibility of resuming negotiations with Europe and the United States on the sidelines of Pezeshkian's trip to New York.

Izadi said: There is indeed one year left for the JCPOA's expiration date, but some of Iran's commitments in the JCPOA have no time limits. Some items, such as the trigger mechanism, will be finished by next October, but other parts of the JCPOA are lifetime and have no time limit. Iran's experience with America and Europe was not good and we should learn from this experience and act on it. If we want to talk or communicate with another party, both parties must have this preparation. But the other side not only has not shown the slightest sign of dialogue but also attacks Iran and Iran's friends in the region with various tools and carries out terrorist operations in our country. The important solution of Pezeshkian is to use past experiences and not keep the country waiting for negotiation with America. This solution is to look at past experiences without illusions. Considering the national interests, we can make better decisions.

Donya-e-Eqtesad: Effects of escalation of war

In a note, Donya-e-Eqtesad addressed the war between Lebanon and Israel and the escalation of tensions in the region and said: Despite the escalation of tensions in the region, there are still ways to prevent a full-scale war. America's diplomatic strategy needs to change and convey de-escalation messages in more tangible ways instead of traditional diplomatic channels and be more coordinated with main European capitals such as Paris and Berlin. As the United States tries to de-escalate tensions, it must also continue to review its commitment to Israel. Lebanon must understand that escalation of tensions will not create a gap between Tel Aviv and Washington. This can lead Hezbollah and its supporter Iran to think more about de-escalation. Iran has spent the last 11 months putting pressure on Israel while trying to stay away from a full-scale war. The parties should know that if Iran enters this conflict, the United States will probably do the same. Finally, the United States should continue to press Israel to express its plan to end military operations against Hamas and prioritize Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

Hamshahri: Behind the scenes of fake news

In a commentary, Hamshahri discussed the fake claim of Bloomberg about the president's words and wrote: Western media and opponents tried to manipulate Pezeshkian's words that Iran is ready to de-escalate tensions with the Zionist regime from a position of weakness. The issue of the war in Gaza, the condemnation of the Zionists' crimes in the region, and the necessity of building a global consensus to confront the genocide of this regime have been the main focus of the consultations of the Iranian delegation in New York. Therefore, the triangle of Western, Hebrew and opposition media tried to influence the diplomatic activity of the Islamic Republic in the United Nations General Assembly with fake news. Also, they wanted to provide a suitable platform for creating disputes inside Iran. Spreading such fabricated reports comes as Pezeshkian has shown that the approach of his government is to continue supporting the Axis of Resistance and defending the legitimacy of the oppressed Palestinian nation.

Arman-e-Melli: Emphasis on Muscat negotiations

In an article, Arman-e-Melli dealt with the messages exchanged between Iran and the Western sides at the United Nations on revitalizing the 2015 nuclear deal. It said: It seems that the messages exchanged between the parties have worked to revive the nuclear negotiations at the United Nations. This means that the parties have emphasized the same negotiations that were held in the previous government about reducing tension and resolving some challenges. Therefore, Iran's achievement in the United Nations can be seen probably in the future along with the Muscat talks. However, there is a very big obstacle in this path, and that is the American election and the result of the election in the United States. About 40 days left until the American elections, and of course, during this time, Netanyahu may take any action to turn Iran's nuclear case into a second-hand case for Iran and the United States. But it seems that according to the published news, Iran and America have made decisions related to the revival of negotiations because Abbas Araghchi has declared that he will probably stay in New York for more days.

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